Timberleaks shines a spotlight on dodgy timber traders and supply chains. Continue reading

If it truly aspires to leadership on climate and forests, the US must first break its addiction to the products driving their destruction

08.11.2022 The US has pledged to end deforestation, but it continues to fund destruction overseas via imports of forest-risk commodities

The Fixers - Trailer

29.09.2022 A video trailer for our latest report

The Fixers

29.09.2022 In a joint investigation with Mongabay, we reveal how a failing US law allowed a Brazilian flooring giant to flood America with millions of dollars of suspect wood

The Fixers: Key Findings From The Investigation

29.09.2022 Court leak reveals go-betweens, failing law helped Brazilian flooring giant flood USA with suspect wood

Dodgy palm oil permits in Indonesia exposed by Earthsight cancelled

17.03.2022 Dodgy palm oil permits in Indonesia exposed by Earthsight cancelled 

Fate of Indonesian rainforest the size of Belgium hangs in the balance

17.03.2022 Crucial battle lies ahead in 2022 following shock New Year announcement by government

Revealed: Russian oligarchs make a killing off multibillion-dollar wood trade with West

11.03.2022 Putin’s cronies are behind major logging firms and wood exporters

Russia’s timber oligarchs

11.03.2022 Industry titans make a killing off multibillion-dollar wood trade with Western firms

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