Illegal Deforestation Monitor

IDM tracks illegalities relating to conversion of forests for export-oriented agribusiness, the largest driver of global deforestation Continue reading

Revealed: US agribusiness giants’ soy linked to stolen indigenous land and murder in Brazil

19.08.2022 Two largest traders of Brazilian soy linked to human rights abuses

Paraguayan authorities complicit in illegal razing of country’s forests by EU-linked agribusiness

20.06.2022 Documents confirm the extent of illegalities committed by ranches

REVEALED: European leather industry peddling misinformation in bid to escape deforestation-free law

15.06.2022 Leather may remain unregulated under a planned EU law on deforestation-free products as industry associations lobby against its inclusion with worrying signs of potential success

BMW fails to substantiate allegations against Earthsight’s research

18.05.2022 Lack of convincing evidence shows leather must not be dropped from EU ban

There will be blood: the trailer

13.05.2022 Watch a teaser of Earthsight’s latest report on how chicken and pet food consumed in Europe are linked to indigenous rights abuses

There Will Be Blood

11.05.2022 The ugly truth behind cheap chicken

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