19.07.2019 US commodities giant given the malign moniker amid tide of illegal deforestation, child labour and environmental abuse allegations across its global supply chains
17.07.2019 Friends of the Earth report says that in financing the likes of Wilmar and Olam, banks are complicit in illegal deforestation
27.06.2019 Indian firm gets green light for agribusiness plantations with new land deal, but NGOs believe move will cause forest destruction and displacement of local communities
24.06.2019 Palm oil demand depressed as EU buyers resist long-term deals while awaiting greater regulatory action
20.06.2019 US bank pulls $140 million financing after RSPO dropped Indonesian palm oil giant for widespread labour violations
14.06.2019 Amid a surge in palm oil exports to Europe, illegal clearing of protected forests in Honduras continues to worsen as authorities fail to crack down on illegal farms and “palm laundering”
12.06.2019 An area twice the size of the UK has been cleared for agribusiness globally since 2010 as illegal cultivation practices of multinational firms add to forest destruction
31.05.2019 Afi River Forest Reserve is losing 'large tracts' of primary forest believed to be a result of illegal land clearing for cocoa cultivation
23.05.2019 Respondents surveyed in 25 countries believe EU should introduce laws to outlaw goods being sold that harm the environment and the result of deforestation
17.05.2019 More than a dozen law enforcement agents and cattle ranchers arrested over corruption, money laundering and illegal deforestation