
Illegal operations common feature of palm oil-driven conflicts

20.12.2016 Conflicts between communities and companies and between communities and the government, have proliferated across areas of Indonesia targeted for plantations

PNG Prime Minister says SABLs are being cancelled…but is it more of the same?

20.12.2016 The Government has failed to cancel controversial and hugely destructive large-scale agricultural leases, more than three years after promising to do so

Riau network urges government to prosecute forest encroachment

16.12.2016 Analysis of plantations suggests majority of oil palm sites operating without permission

Indigenous communities face violence from agribusiness in Argentina

12.12.2016 Yaki Cachi Bajo Hondo indigenous community have suffered harassment, threats and attacks by armed groups connected to agribusiness in northern Argentina

Global network of scientists recognises importance of illegal forest conversion for agribusiness

04.12.2016 A new study by International Union of Forest Research Organisations highlighted illegal conversion as one of four major ‘trends’ in illegal logging worldwide

Illegal palm oil encroaches on Aceh’s largest peatswamp

24.11.2016 The  Indonesian province lost more than 4,000 hectares of forest in the first half of 2016, largely due to “legally questionable, if not downright illegal” palm oil expansion

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