
Firms filmed exploiting peatland forest in West Kalimantan

29.08.2017 An Indonesian company and its Chinese partner pushed ahead with an industrial wood plantation,  flouting a moratorium on the drainage and exploitation of lands

Indonesian government failing to collect $1bn in deforestation fines

25.08.2017 The Indonesian government is failing to make firms convicted of illegal deforestation pay more than US$1 billion in fines, hampering efforts to restore peat and forest habitats 

Corporate giants exposed to palm oil sourced from illegal clearances of Sumatran rainforest

25.07.2017 Some of world’s biggest companies including Pepsico, Mars, Unilever and Nestlé may have sourced palm oil from illegally deforested land

Indonesian government finances palm oil companies ignoring its laws

29.06.2017 Banks owned by the Indonesian government are funding illegal activities by large-scale palm oil companies that are undermining high-profile policy commitments

Illegal palm oil concession generates flood of timber, greenwashed by Indonesia’s flagship certification scheme

26.06.2017 A new report reveals how company previously exposed has continued operating illegally, by clearing after permits expired and beyond the boundaries of its concession

Major US pension fund invested in illegal deforestation

16.05.2017 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, which manages funds for more than five million people, held $172m in Southeast Asian palm oil firms as of March

Swiss banks bankrolling illegal deforestation in Africa and East Asia

24.03.2017 Report exposed links between country's banks and some of world’s largest palm oil firms

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