25.07.2017 Some of world’s biggest companies including Pepsico, Mars, Unilever and Nestlé may have sourced palm oil from illegally deforested land
29.06.2017 Banks owned by the Indonesian government are funding illegal activities by large-scale palm oil companies that are undermining high-profile policy commitments
26.06.2017 A new report reveals how company previously exposed has continued operating illegally, by clearing after permits expired and beyond the boundaries of its concession
16.05.2017 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, which manages funds for more than five million people, held $172m in Southeast Asian palm oil firms as of March
24.03.2017 Report exposed links between country's banks and some of world’s largest palm oil firms
20.12.2016 Conflicts between communities and companies and between communities and the government, have proliferated across areas of Indonesia targeted for plantations