Executive Summary: Fashion Crimes

11.04.2024 World’s largest fashion brands use cotton linked to land grabbing, illegal deforestation, violence, human rights violations and corruption in Brazil

Fashion Crimes

11.04.2024 The European retail giants linked to dirty Brazilian cotton.

The Fixers

29.09.2022 In a joint investigation with Mongabay, we reveal how a failing US law allowed a Brazilian flooring giant to flood America with millions of dollars of suspect wood

Revealed: US agribusiness giants’ soy linked to stolen indigenous land and murder in Brazil

19.08.2022 Two largest traders of Brazilian soy linked to human rights abuses

There will be blood: the trailer

13.05.2022 Watch a teaser of Earthsight’s latest report on how chicken and pet food consumed in Europe are linked to indigenous rights abuses

There Will Be Blood

11.05.2022 The ugly truth behind cheap chicken

Untamed Timber

02.02.2021 A new Earthsight report reveals how a Brazilian flooring giant let off the hook by Bolsonaro’s government is now thriving across the US and EU

UK military beef supplier linked to illegal deforestation in Brazil

28.04.2020 Earthsight research reveals how a Brazilian beef supplier used by the Ministry of Defence buys from farmers guilty of illegal deforestation, fires and fraud

British troops fed by corrupt Brazilian meat firm tied to illegal Amazon deforestation

17.09.2019 Ration packs used by armed forces have contained beef and chicken from JBS since 2009 and until at least 2016, new Earthsight research finds

Bad beef: UK retailers feed illegal deforestation fears as JBS corned beef imports persist

05.05.2019 JBS has faced multiple corruption charges and was fined £6.5m in 2017 for illegal Amazon deforestation yet Sainsbury's, Lidl and Morrisons among supermarkets selling its corned beef

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