Fashion Crimes

Earthsight can reveal that the world’s largest fashion brands, H&M and Zara, use cotton linked to land grabbing, illegal deforestation, violence, human rights violations and corruption in Brazil.
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Fashion Crimes


Earthsight’s year-long investigation reveals that corporations and consumers in Europe and North America are driving the destruction of the Cerrado in a new way, not by what they eat – but by what they wear.

The full PDF report can be read here.

Executive Summary

Companies' responses

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Crimes Na Moda


As maiores marcas de moda do mundo, H&M and Zara, usam algodão ligado a grilagem de terras, desmatamento ilegal, violência, violações de direitos humanos e corrupção no Brasil. Leia a versão em PDF.

Resumo Executivo

Respostas das empresas na íntegra

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Complacency and data manipulation at Better Cotton


According to a former employee, data is repeatedly manipulated at Better Cotton, the world-leading cotton sustainability programme used by H&M and Zara.

Read the follow-up

Press Release

Press Release


Press release for the Fashion Crimes investigation released in April 2024.

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