
Secret Ingredient

26.09.2024 A shocking scandal in the chicken we eat and its lessons for European lawmakers

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Fashion Crimes

11.04.2024 The European retail giants linked to dirty Brazilian cotton

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Putin-linked private army joins EU timber rush in Africa

16.05.2023 The trade fuels local instability and bolsters Russia's invasion of Ukraine

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Russian 'conflict timber worth over $1bn sold in the US

24.02.2023 US timber trade helps fund Russian aggression and further enrich powerful oligarchs

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Rubber-stamping Repression

25.11.2022 How EU governments and a global green label made European furniture buyers complicit in torture

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The Fixers

29.09.2022 How a failing US law allowed a Brazilian flooring giant to flood the country with millions of dollars of suspect wood

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There will be Blood

16.04.2024 The ugly truth behind cheap chicken

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Grand Theft Chaco II

21.10.2020 One year on, inaction from Paraguayan authorities and the leather industry to the scandal shows urgent need for new laws

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Ikea's House of Horrors

15.07.2021 The stolen Russian forests being greenwashed into kids' furniture

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Untamed Timber

02.02.2021 The Brazilian flooring giant let off the hook by Bolsonaro's government and now thriving across the US and EU

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Taiga King

16.04.2024 How European firms fed a Russian tycoon's billion-dollar illegal logging scam

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Grand Theft Chaco

30.09.2020 Luxury cars made with leather from the stolen lands of an uncontacted tribe

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European Commission proposes year-long delay to crucial supply chain law, threatening 2,300 sq km of forest

02.10.2024 The bulldozers were just about to switch off their engines. Now the European Commission wants to re-fuel them

Press release: Secret Ingredient

McDonald’s and some of Europe’s leading supermarkets are linked to illegal deforestation, land grabbing and violence in the Brazilian Cerrado

Orangutan habitat in Indonesian Borneo faces imminent threat of destruction

Planned clearance for timber plantation underlines critical importance of EUDR



Our Projects

Illegal Deforestation Monitor scrutinises the unlawful conversion of forests for agribusiness around the globe.


The inside scoop on suspect wood, Timberleaks shines a spotlight on dodgy timber traders and supply chains.


Timber Investigation Centre

A guidebook to help activists and communities on the forest frontlines to investigate illegal logging and trade.


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